Abstract:The problem of traffic capacity between control sectors is usually studied based on the extreme workload of controllers, various dynamic factors, or the optimal traffic capacity of special waypoints and intersection. However, little research has been done on the overall evaluation and calculation of multi-sector network. In this paper, a multi-sector network model with sectors as nodes and routes connecting sectors as sides was established according to the theory of directed graph. Some sectors of North China Flight Information Region were selected for simulation. Firstly, the maximum flow of the network model is calculated to be 76.7 planes per hour by the algorithm. Secondly, the flow capacity ratio of each edge and each node is calculated according to the simulation results of network flow. The busy routes and busy sectors that limit the network traffic capacity of the sector are analyzed through comparative analysis. Finally, the sensitivity analysis is used to calculate the changes of the capacity of the model after deleting different nodes, which provides suggestions and references for the optimization of the sector capacity.