引用本文: | 冯晓东,马骏. 一种应用于60GHz毫米波无线传输系统的数模混合ADC设计[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2011, (29): |
| Feng XiaoDong,Ma Jun. A digital-analog mixed signal ADC design for 60GHz wireless communication system[J]. Science Technology and Engineering, 2011, (29): |
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一种应用于60GHz毫米波无线传输系统的数模混合ADC设计 |
冯晓东, 马骏
摘要: |
本文以60GHz毫米波高速无线传输系统为背景,对无线信号历经的频率选择性衰落信道进行了深入分析,并对接收机结构进行研究,提出一种利用数模信号混合处理的低复杂度ADC结构。该结构利用数模混合均衡器来降低频率选择性衰落信道中接收机ADC的精度要求。通过以引入一个高精度高采样率的DAC为代价,在不改变接收机性能的情况下将ADC的采样精度降低2个比特。该ADC均衡器在误码率、收敛速度等性能上相比同精度的全数字均衡器有很大提高。进一步,文章对该结构进行优化,通过把补偿信号的高比特位的值转换到模拟域,将引入的DAC精度降低到2~3个比特,从而进一步降低了该结构的设计复杂度和功耗。 |
关键词: ADC 60GHz 均衡器 |
DOI: |
分类号:TN9 |
基金项目:上海浦江人才计划(项目号:09PJ1405400) |
A digital-analog mixed signal ADC design for 60GHz wireless communication system |
Feng XiaoDong, Ma Jun
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Abstract: |
In this paper, a novel analog-digital mixed signal processing ADC architecture is proposed for 60GHz high speed wireless communication system. An analog-digtial mixed equalizer is designed in this architeture to minimize the precision requirement of ADC in frequency selective fading channel. This architecure can reduce the precision requirement of 2 btis with no performance loss in receiver at the price of one extra DAC module. Simulation results show that the analog-digital mixed ADC design have the advantages in the performace of BER and convergence speed. Furthermore, this ADC architecture is optimized by converting the most significant bit to analog domain. This method can reduce the precision requirement of the extra DAC to 2~3 bits. That will further reduce the complexity and power consumption in ADC design |
Key words: ADC 60GHz Equalizer |